Jānis Lūsens born on 7th of April, 1959 in Liepāja. Graduated from Liepāja high school Nr. 1 (1975), Emīla Melngaiļa Liepāja Music High school theory department (1979) and LVK Jānis Ivanovs class of composition (1983).
Composer has dedicated himself more to non academic genres, however still has kept interest in academic music and composes academic pieces as well. During study years he created an experimental instrumental music ensemble Zodiac (1979) whose album Disco Alliance (1980) was a major success and was sold out in 20 million copies all over the world.
An important part of the composer’s creative works is taken by musicals and rock operas. The most successful rock operas being Kaupēn, mans mīļais, which is included in Latvian Cannon of Culture, Sfinksa, Agrā rūsa and others. The composer is successfully collaborating with Latvia National opera and ballet whom have staged two academically operas for children – Putnu opera (2000) which already has been played 150 times and Leļļu opera, which in near future will return to the opera’s repertoire in a new form. From 1999 – 2002 he was the head of the music department at Liepāja theatre.
In the works of Jānis Lūsēns a major part has been dedicated to solo and choir music. Amidst them there are vocal symphonic works such as – cantatas LIIV, Magnificat, choir symphony Dziļā elpā, cycle Domus mea. Composer’s songs have been played multiple times at The Latvian Song and Dance Festival and at The Pupil Song and Dance Festival.
The composer’s input in Latvian music is noticed and rewarded. Lūsēns has received the Latvian theatre prize of the year as the best composer (1996 for Santa Krusa, 1999 for rock opera Kaupēn, mans mīļais), Latvian The Great Music Award (for musical shows in 2000 and for the contribution to the musical theatre genre) and AKKA/LAA Copyright infinity prize in 2003. Since 1987 Jānis Lūsēns is a member of the Composers Association.
In the latest years he has been more focused on instrumental chamber music and improvisation.
More than 500 songs composed, many of them have been combined in concert cycles. Most of them you can find in the section “Sheets, audio, video”.
Riga Operetta theatre:
- Runcis zābakos (Puss in Boots) A.Migla and V.Rūmnieks libretto 1988
Liepajas theatre:
- “Māte un neitronbumba” (Mother and Neutron Bomb) J.Jevtušenko poetry 1985
- “Kaupēn, mans mīļais” (Kaupen, my dearest) M.Zālīte libretto 1999-2004; 115 performances/audience of 85000 people
- “Neglītais pīlēns” (Ugly duckling) M.Zālīte libretto 2000-2002; 34 performances/audience of 15000 people
- “Agrā rūsa” (Early rust) P.Brūveris libretto 2007-2009; 46 performances/audience of 21000 people
- “Violets” (Violet) A.Skujiņa poetry 2008 – musically poetic depiction
Music for theater performances “Princese Gundega un karalis Brusubārda” (1977), “Pērs Gints”(1997), “Santa Krusa”, “Ezermaļu krokodils”
Dailes theatre:
- “Īkstīte” (Thumbelina) N.Beļskis libretto 2003 – 2005; 57 performances/audience of 55000 people
- “Ceplis” (Kiln) E. Zirnis libretto 2010 – 2011
Latvian National Theatre:
- “Indriķa hronika” (Chronicle of the Indrikis) M.Zālīte libretto 2000 – 2002; 43 performances/audience of 30000 people
- “Sfinksa” (Sphynx) M.Zālīte libretto 2001- 2008; 86 performances/audience of 90000 people
- “Hotel Kristina” M.Zālīte libretto 2006; 19 performances/audience of 15000 people
Latvian National Opera:
- “Putnu opera” (The Birds’ opera) M.Zālīte libretto 2000. 22XII; 152 performances
- “Leļļu opera” (The Puppets’ opera) M.Zālīte libretto 2008; 20 performances
Musical Theatre “Ars Nova”
- “Agrā rūsa” (Early rust) P.Brūveris libretto 2010
- “Kaupēn, mans mīļais” (Kaupen, my dearest) M.Zālīte libretto 2011
- “Sniega karaliene” (The Snow Queen) I.Zandere libretto 2011
- “Meierovics” M.Zālīte libretto 2013
- “Čigānmeitēns Ringla” (The gypsy girl Ringla) I.Zandere libretto 2014
Producer group 7
- Kaupēn, mans mīļais” (Kaupen, my dearest) M.Zālīte libretto 2020
- Portreti (The Portraits) – the cycle for wind instruments quintet 1980
- Stīgu kvartets (String Quartet) 1981
- Vīzija (Vision) – Symphony orchestra
- Stīgu kvartets “Saulrieti” (String Quartet “Sunsets”) – dedication Nic Gotham 2013
- Urbānā fantāzija ar BACH (The Urban fantasy with BACH) – cycle “Trilogy for Latvian organs” – Liepājas part 2014
- Neti, neti – the piece is written for the Art-i-Shock trio concert program 2014
- Romantiskā simfonija (Romantic Symphony) – for Liepaja symphony orchestra 2016-2017
- Miniatures for different solo instruments accompanied by piano
- Miniatures for different chamber ensembles
- Kantāte “LIIV” (Cantata “LIIV”) – soloist (tenor), choir and Symphony orchestra 1995
- Diatoniskā kantāte (Diatonic Cantata) – mixed choir, violin and organ 1996
- Līgo dziesmas (Midsummer celebration songs) – choir, keyboards, viola and guitar 1996
- Kantāte “Zvaigžņu bērns” (Cantata “The Child of the Stars”) – mixed choir, children’s choir and Symphony orchestra 1997
- Kā maigi dzelošs rožu krūms (Like a Rose Bush that gently stings) – the cycle of songs for soloists, choir and chamber orchestra 1998
- Magnificat – soloists, male choir and Symphony orchestra 2002
- Mistērija par Sapni un Mīlestību (Mystery about the Dream and Love) – musical theatrical concert at the Dome Square in 2003
- Kora simfonija “Dziļā elpā” (choral Symphony “In Deep Breath”) – mixed choir, Symphony orchestra and organ 2003
- Jubilate Deo – Cantata for boys’ choir (3 parts), percussion and bell chorus 2003
- Motetes (8) – boys’ choir, percussion and a bell chorus 2003
- “Neatbildēts zvans” (7) – soloist (boy), multi voiced mixed choir and Symphony orchestra 2005.g.
- Five songs with B.Martuževa lyrics for concert performance “Rakstītāja” (“The Writer”) – Latvian Radio choir, soloists and instrumental group 2014
- 13.gs. laudu apdares (4) – mixed choir, alto saxophone and viola 2015
- Es ticu neteiktajam (I believe in the unsaid) with R.M.Rilke lyrics – organ, alto saxophone and soprano 2015
- Dziedādami, spēlēdami (Singing, playing) – soloists, children’s choir, brass and percussion instrument group, and piano 2017
- Kā ābeļdārzs ir brīvība (Like an apple garden is freedom) – musical poem for 6 soloists and mixed choir 2019
- Disco Alliance – 1980, pub.Melodija
- Music in Universe – 1982, pub.Melodija
- In Memoriam – 1989, pub.Melodija
- Mākoņi (Clouds) – 1991, pub.RiTonis
- Zodiaks – Mirušais gadsimts (Zodiac – The Dead Century) – 1995, pub.Mapl
- Christmas Together [Christmas songs J.Lūsēns arr.] / Chriss Norman – 1997, pub.MicRec
- Savādā passable (Peculiar world) songs cycle – 1997, pub.MicRec
- Katrs savu dzīvi dzīvo (Everyone lives their own life) [J.Lūsēns songs for children with sheet of music] – 1997, pub.MicRec
- Šai svētā naktī (In this Holy Night) [J.Lūsēns songs] – 1997, pub.MicRec
- Dželsomīno piedzīvojumi Melu zemē, (Gelsomino adventures in the Country of Liars by G.Rodari) musical – 1998, pub.MicRec
- Saules mājas (House of the Sun) [Tervete cycle for children] – 1998, pub.MicRec
- Mūzika svētajā naktī (Music on the holy night) [J.Lūsēns and U.Prauliņš arr.] – 1999, pub.Latvia Radio
- Indriķa hronika (Chronicle of the Indriķis) [songs from the rock opera] – 2000, pub.Platforma Records
- Zodiac. Disco Alliance (double album) – 2000, pub.MicRec
- Christmas by the Amber Sea – 2000, pub.NYLCC 003
- Kaupēn, mans mīļais, rokopera DVD (Kaupen, my dearest, rockopera DVD) – 2001, pub.Liepāja teather
- White Melodies [R.Paula songs J.Lūsēns arr. for Symphony orchestra] – 2001, pub.MicRec
- Violets (Purple) [J.Lūsēns songs] – 2002, pub.MicRec
- Īkstīte (Thumbelina) [selection of songs from the musical Thumbelina] – 2003, pub.Baltic Record Group
- Nāc un piepildi mazo sirdi (Come and fulfill the little heart) [J.Lūsēns un N.Matvejevs songs] – 2003, pub.Baltic Record Group
- Krāsas (Colours) [J.Lūsēns, I.Kalniņš un A.Gudrais music] – 2004
- Rīgas Rotaļas – (Riga Games) I.Zandere lyric, J.Lūsens music [book + CD], Riga:pub.Musica Baltica, 2004
- Kā maigi dzelošs rožu krūms [J.Lūsēns music, N.Beļskis poetry] – 2004, Platforma Records
- Domus mea – 2004, pub.Riga Dome Boys’ Choir
- Putnu opera DVD (The Birds’ opera DVD) 2006, pub.LNO, Studija Lokomotīve
- Mazu brīdi pirms… (A little while before …) [a song cycle with the lyrics of Latvian poets] 2010, pub.ARS NOVA
- Agrā rūsa (Early rust) [songs from the musical “Early rust”], 2010, pub.ARS NOVA
- Pacel acis (Look up), 2011, pub.ARS NOVA
- PUS ES [songs from concert performance PUS ES with O.Vācietis lyrics], 2013, pub.ARS NOVA
- Kur ko likt? (Where to put) [songs for children with O.Vācietis lyrics], 2013, pub. Children’s vocal ensemble Kolibri
- Manas mājas zvēru dārzs (My home animal garden) CD+book [songs for children with I.Zanderes lyrics], 2014, pub. Ulu-Mulu
- Lai ir (Let it be) [children’s songs], children’s vocal ensemble Kolibri, 2015, pub.Ulu-Mulu
- Dāvana (Gift) [music association, Promenade], 2015, pub.Entertainment Producer Group 7
- Kad mīlestība dzimst (When the love is born) [Christmas program], 2015, pub.Entertainment Producer Group 7
- Romantika (Romance) [songs], 2016, pub.Entertainment Producer Group 7
- Kā man tevi sasildīt (How do I warm you up) [Christmas program], 2016, pub.Entertainment Producer Group 7
- AIZ … mūzika vēlā vakarā (AIZ … late night music) [Instrumental Music], 2017, pub.Jānis Lūsēns
- Manā varā (In my power) [New cycle of songs], 2018, Ineta Rudzīte
- Jānis Lūsēns. Dziesmas – [The most popular songs of JL], 2019, pub.Entertainment Producer Group 7
- Karuselis – (Carousel) 10 most beautiful songs by J.Lūsēns for children with P.Bruvers’ lyric, Riga:pub.Musica Baltica, 1998
- Rīgas Rotaļas – (Riga Games) I.Zandere lyric, J.Lūsens music [book + CD], Riga:pub.Musica Baltica, 2004
- Latviešu kora mūzika – (Latvian choir music) J.Lusēns songs for mixed choir, Riga:pub.Musica Baltica, 2006
- Koncertcikla “Mazu brīdi pirms…” nošu burtnīca (concert cycle “A little while before…” sheet of music [songs by V.Plūdonis and K.Skalbe poetry], Riga:pub.ARS NOVA, 2009
- Koncertcikla “Zelta sirds” nošu burtnīca (concert cycle “Golden Heart” sheet of music [songs with K.Skalbe poetry], Riga:pub.ARS NOVA, 2010
- Koncertcikla “Tas vārds” nošu burtnīca (concert cycle “That Name” sheet of music [lyrics by Aspazija], Riga:pub.ARS NOVA, 2010
- Manas mājas zvēru dārzs (My home animal garden) CD+book [songs for children with I.Zandere lyrics], 2014, pub. Ulu-Mulu